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#1 Wear your guild title

Please wear <Darksiders> when around other members out of respect. Though there is no repercussion if you do not. Guild pride is taken into account when considering promotions to becoming an officer.

#2 Do not beg

Please review STG rules. Someone who does not feel comfortable will report you to a staff member (Officer or Master)
-1 warning will be given to an individual who is reported. Failure to comply will result in 1 demotion if it happens a second time. Players with the rank of member will be removed the the guild upon a second infraction.

#3 Have fun!

"Fun" must not be at another persons expense. 
-1 warning will be given to an individual who is reported. Failure to comply will result in 1 demotion if it happens a second time. Players with the rank of member will be removed the the guild upon a second infraction.

#4 Recruiting

(a) Recruiters and Officers will only recruit level 35+ players 
(b) Alternative characters (Alts.) may be recruited no matter what level. Alts. will start at member Status. 
(c) Family may also be recruited regardless of level
**Note: Failure to comply with these recruiting stipulations may result in the new recruit being removed from the guild at the end of the calendar month**
**Note: If an exception is to be made it must be reported to an Officer and approved by the Master. Individual results my vary.**

#5 Promotions

(a) Members are promoted to the rank of Recruiter at level 36.
(b) Alts. must still reach level 36 to become Recruiters as it is a guild achievement and privilege.
(c) New level 36 Members must remain within the guild for 1 week before being promoted.

(a) Officer will only be elected based on the needs of the guild subject to the decision of the Master
(b) Recruiters are promoted to the rank of Officer upon being nominated by the guild. Nominees are then voted on by the Staff members.
(c) Alts. of an Officer will be immediately promoted to Officer for administrative purposes. 

#6 Activity

If a player is noticeably absent for approximately a month without just cause may suffer a demotion. Players with the rank of member may be removed the the guild.
**Note: Individual results may vary if the reasoning is provided to the staff before departure**

#7 Reporting

Please report infractions directly to a Staff Member and ONLY a Staff Member as soon as possible. 
-1 warning will be given to an individual who is reported. Failure to comply will result in 1 demotion if it happens a second time. Players with the rank of member will be removed the the guild upon a second infraction.

#8 Privacy

Reporting is a serious issue. If a report on an individual is made public you also violate the rights of their privacy. Disputes will be dealt via Tells, or Party message where a Staff Member and both parties will come together. No private matters, reports, disputes or otherwise private discussion will be done in a public domains such as guild chat or anywhere an individuals privacy is otherwise jeopardized. 
-1 warning will be given to an individual who is reported. Failure to comply will result in 1 demotion if it happens a second time. Players with the rank of member will be removed the the guild upon a second infraction.

#9 Infractions

Infractions last 1 month from the date if the incident. After which time the incident is removed from record.

#10 Becoming an Officer 

If you adhered to and guild policy and have reached level 36 by the end of the Calendar month in which you were recruited you qualify to be nominated as anOfficer. CONGRATULATIONS and THANKS for you effort!
**please see officer section for more information**

Rules may be subject to change. Please check the rules regularly.









-Recruiter Incentive Program (Only Recruiters qualify for this program)

Example: Current Roster - 400+ members
*The first Recruiter to recruit the 410th Member will be awarded 5k gold
*The first Recruiter to recruit the 425th Member will be awarded 10k gold
*The first Recruiter to recruit the 450th Member will be awarded 25k gold!

**Note: An Officer or the Master must be online in order to receive credit for this award**
**Note: Please consult an Officer or the Master in the event no staff member is online at the time of recruitment.**
**Note: IF an Officer or the Master recruit one of the above Members, they will NOT be awarded. The award will simply go to the NEXT Recruiter who successfully adds a new Member to the guild**

-Member Referral Program (only Members qualify for this program)

*Level 30 and 31 new Members may opt to refer a new player to an Officer.
*Upon successfully referring and recruiting 10 players, a Member will be promoted to Recruiter, and receive a 10k gold reward!
*if you are promoted to the rank of Recruiter before you can successfully refer 10 new players, you no longer qualify for the Member referral Program. You now qualify for the Recruiter Incentive Program

**Note: A referral must be directly given to an Officer for it to count towards you**
**Note: A referral will only count 1 time per individual player; Alts do not count for this promotion**

Recruitment Initiatives

Guild Charter

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